Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pumpkin Curry

I decided to make pumpkin curry. There was a rather large chunk of pumpkin that was sitting in my fridge and was threatening to go off. It was part of a larger chunk, in which was part used to make roast pumpkin. The rest of it was then put in the fridge and I was not too sure what to do with it. So it sat in the fridge for a bit.

My mind was then cast back in time, say about ten years ago, I was first introduced to India. It was very, very hot in the summer and could be rather chilly in the winter. I was introduced many curries, that is north Indian curries and pumpkin curry was one of them. I have not had pumpkin curry for ten years and so I then knew what to do with my pumpkin. It was not to be roasted, nor turned into soup but it was to be curried.

This is a relatively quick meal. I found I spent more time removing the skin of the pumpkin rather than cooking. I  find the practice of cutting off the skin rather daunting. With sudden quick knife slip just missing my fingers, I made sure after that I was careful.

After finding a recipe on Healthy, Yummy Vegetarian Recipes (I do not have the link), I found the ingredient composition a educational experience. There were such things as ajwain, sanuf...............................two month pass and I have lots the recipe for this. I do have the pictures though but the recipe disappeared into the void that is my unit. Some other things have disappeared yet to be uncovered. Perhaps I myself disappeared into some sort of void and now have re-emerged because where have I been for the past two months or was it three.

I do not usually like pumpkin, but this curry masked the taste of the pumpkin to some extent that I was able to eat it.

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