Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mint Chutney

I love, love mint chutney. I love putting it in sandwiches, eating it with salads, dabbing it here and there and so basically everywhere. If I can consume it, it will be there. Well apart from anything that is sweet. This variation is taken from word of mouth from two real people and it involves all of the following.

The ingredients

1 bunch of coriander (leaves)
3 bunches of mint (leaves)
1 onion
A pack of chill (the type of the chili depends of the amount of heat you want)
A juice of a lemon
a garlic clove
an inch of ginger
Salt to taste

The method

Place all ingredients into a blender and process until smooth. As easy as that. I placed an entire packet of small red chilies into the chutney for the punch factor. You could add the chutney to yogurt for a minty yogurt. This will go well with any curry.

Pumpkin Curry

I decided to make pumpkin curry. There was a rather large chunk of pumpkin that was sitting in my fridge and was threatening to go off. It was part of a larger chunk, in which was part used to make roast pumpkin. The rest of it was then put in the fridge and I was not too sure what to do with it. So it sat in the fridge for a bit.

My mind was then cast back in time, say about ten years ago, I was first introduced to India. It was very, very hot in the summer and could be rather chilly in the winter. I was introduced many curries, that is north Indian curries and pumpkin curry was one of them. I have not had pumpkin curry for ten years and so I then knew what to do with my pumpkin. It was not to be roasted, nor turned into soup but it was to be curried.

This is a relatively quick meal. I found I spent more time removing the skin of the pumpkin rather than cooking. I  find the practice of cutting off the skin rather daunting. With sudden quick knife slip just missing my fingers, I made sure after that I was careful.

After finding a recipe on Healthy, Yummy Vegetarian Recipes (I do not have the link), I found the ingredient composition a educational experience. There were such things as ajwain, sanuf...............................two month pass and I have lots the recipe for this. I do have the pictures though but the recipe disappeared into the void that is my unit. Some other things have disappeared yet to be uncovered. Perhaps I myself disappeared into some sort of void and now have re-emerged because where have I been for the past two months or was it three.

I do not usually like pumpkin, but this curry masked the taste of the pumpkin to some extent that I was able to eat it.