Monday, May 2, 2011

Milk Chocolate Souffle

After failing to make a souffle in my previous post, I set out the next night to make an actual souffle. This time I decided to use milk chocolate. I did want to make a souffle that was half white chocolate and half dark chocolate but with time constraint only lead me to find milk chocolate in a convenience shop close to home.

The Ingredients

Soften butter for greasing the ramekins
90 grams of milk chocolate
1/2 tablespoon of caster sugar plus some for coating of ramekins
3 egg whites
2 egg yokes
75 ml of thicken cream
1 tablespoon brandy
Icing sugar for dusting

The Method

Preheat your oven to 220 degrees Celsius.

Grease the ramekins with butter and then sprinkle caster sugar. Refrigerate until you place the completed mixture into the ramekins.
Place the milk chocolate and cream into a bowl sitting over warm water in a saucepan to melt the chocolate. Mix until the chocolate melts and it is all smooth. Remove the bowl from the heat and mix in the egg yokes and the brandy.

Using an electric mixture, whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form. Add the caster sugar and whisk it until its glossy.

Gently fold in the egg whites gradually and fold until combined. Fill up your ramekins just below the rim and bake for 8-10 minutes. Remove from the oven and dust with icing sugar and gobble it all up with a special someone. 


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